5 Things I wish I knew Before Starting MY Fitness Journey

Starting a fitness journey can be so overwhelming! You think “should I do cardio, yoga, pilates, lifting, how many days a week, for how long, when will I see results.” I can go on and on because 'I’ve thought it all and I’ve DONE it all! I wish someone just TOLD ME EXACTLY what to do, so here I am telling you the 5 things I wish I knew when I first started my fitness journey!

  1. Start with a program! For years and years I would go to the gym and do CARDIO only, OR I would get there and be so overwhelmed on what to do, that I would pull up a random workout half ass it and leave. I would’t know what to do every week and it always felt like I wasn’t progressing because I wasn’t! I am the QUEEN of using movement as a tool to make you FEEL good and that will ALWAYS be my number one motivator, but I understand you may want to “SEE results” too! Trust me I get it! it’s so easy to jump class to class, try yoga one day, jump to boxing, get bored, go to pilates! Again, there is NO problem with you moving your body, that’s the GOAL, but if you want to SEE change it comes down to consistency which usually comes from following a program! Why else should you follow a program?

    • You don’t have to THINK about your workout - you know exactly what to do on what day

    • You give yourself time - most of my programs are 6,8,12 weeks because it takes TIME to SEE and FEEL results!

    • No one likes to hear it, but our bodies change with the power of REPETITION - think about anything you got good at, how many times did you do it? You had to REPEAT it to master it and fitness is the same way!! You have to repeat the moves and build strength each time you do it

    • You need to increase weight! Increasing the amount of weight you are lifting over time allows you to build strength and endurance

  2. Start with ONE THING - it’s so tempting to want to OVERHAUL your life at once, but start with ONE HABIT you can master like your workout routine, THEN go onto the next thing! We always think we need to change everything at once, then we fall off, get discouraged, and quit - how would you feel if you took the leap with ONE thing first then promoted yourself to the next? Baby steps leads to BIG results!

  3. You don’t need 60 minutes to see results - did you ever think you needed to workout 60 minutes a day for 7 days a week to SEE results?! SAME! I would workout SO hard and see NO results! What I learned was I wasn’t RESTING enough and I was focusing on QUANTITY VS. QUALITY! Now, I focus on 3-5 EFFECTIVE workouts a week and walking! I follow the split: legs, arms, full body, and lots of walking! Remember you’d rather have a short GOOD Workout than a long POOR workout!

  4. Weights will not make you BULKY - for years and years I would lose weight and have a skinny look - I wanted to get “toned” but I didn’t know how and I was scared to lift because I didn’t want to get bulky! I promise you - in order to get bulky you’d have to be eating a tremendous amount of protein/calories on top of following an intense lifting routine! I learned 3-5 days of weights helped me build LEAN muscle, burn more calories at rest, and change my body composition! You need to trust the process!

  5. Rest is essential - I lightly touched on it in number 3, but REST IS ESSENTIAL! If you are over training and not allowing your body to REST results will definitely be delayed because in order for our muscle to grow they need to recover! All of my programs have 1-2 rest days built in so you can create long term results, a sustainable routine, and an actual healthy lifestyle!

I hope this was helpful for you and if you are looking for STRUCTURE, ROUTINE, and a STEP BY STEP PROGRAM so you don’t have to think about your workout and you can train in a way where you FEEL GOOD and actually SEE RESULTS check out all my programs below!

  • Beginner Babe 30 Day Challenge - perfect if you are looking to kickstart your journey and want to get in quick 10 minute workouts to get in your groove

  • 21 Day Reboot Routine - perfect if you are looking to follow a lifting routine and create structure without having to think about it! THIS ONE IS SO GOOD!!

  • Fueled and Fulfilled - perfect if you are looking for a longer challenge and want to create a routine with a lifting split focusing on legs, arms, full body!

  • Healthy Habits - perfect if you are READY to LEVEL UP and really make changes in your life to yield BIG RESULTS! I am obsessed with baby steps leading to BIG results AND this will get YOU THERE one step at a time!

Trust me when you FOLLOW a program and know EXACTLY what to do and have step by step guidance you really start to transform mentally and physically! Are you ready to get started?! Let’s go babe!!

P.S. all these programs LIVE in the MBM app so you can conveniently access from anywhere, anytime!


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